6 Tips for Beginner Plant Owners

New Plant Owner

Indoor plants are extremely popular and more people are discovering their green thumbs every day. Having plants in your home can be quite therapeutic. In my experience bringing a plant home and keeping it healthy and thriving gives me a sense or accomplishment. It sounds a little cheesy but something as small as watching your plant sprout new leaves can help enhance your mood. They also add to your home decor and can be quite stylish. To some keeping a plant may seem like a daunting responsibility so I thought I’d provide 6 tips for beginner plant owners.

1. Get the right sized pot.

I know how much you love that big planter that you found at Home Goods but if your plant is still a ba


it won’t fair well in it. For starters plants don’t look right in pots that aren’t the proper size. I have done it before. Too large pots will tempt you to over water because there is more space to cover. The soil dries out slowly and can cause root rot. On the other hand, soil will dry out more rapidly in a pot that is too small and can stunt your plants growth. When repotting only bump the pot size up


2 inches.

2. Make sure your plant is in direct light

This tip is quite simple. If you have a plant and it isn’t growing re-assess the area you have it in. I had a plant in my dining room for an entire summer and it browned and almost died completely. I didn’t realize that my dining room actually has indirect sunlight . I moved my plants to my living room and they are doing so much better! They get a ton of direct sunlight in my front windows.

3. Use neem oil for gnats

Neem oil is a life saver when it comes to getting rid of gnats. I suffered for about 3 months with fruit fly sized gnats all over my house and it was torture. I tried soap and vinegar in a mason jar to trap them but that didn’t help. I also bought sticky traps to sit in the plants which helped but did not resolve the issue. When I found out about  neem oil I purchased some and sprayed my plants maybe 3 times with it and the gnats were gone! This stuff is a game changer.

Girl holding potted plant
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

4. Don’t over water

As a new plant mom I started out watering my plants about once a week. I realized that that is not necessary for all plants. The frequency and amount of water will depend on what type of plant you have. Touching the soil with your finger is a good way to determine if your plant needs to be watered. I feel the soil after about 10-14 days and if it is feeling dry I water them.

5. Drainage is very important

It is extremely important that your planters have drainage holes. Excess water needs a way to escape. Sitting water will cause rotting and will basically drown your plant. I often water my plants until they water comes out of the drainage holes. This indicates that I have watered them sufficiently and that I can let a good amount of time pass before watering again.

6. Don’t give up on your plant!

Plants can be surprisingly resilient. I had a fiddle leaf fig that would not sprout a single leaf for about 6 months and it even lost a few leaves. This winter it has grown 4 new leaves and I can see another coming up now! Be open minded and do your research. As a beginner plant owner you will run into some challenges but one small change in your routine can make a huge difference in your plants future.

I hope these tips help you on your plant parent journey. Happy planting!

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