So you have a goal set for yourself and this time you really want to achieve it. Whether it’s to lose few pounds or to start that job search that you have been putting off we have all been there. The human mind is capable of brewing up some extraordinary ideas but execution is not always as easy. Here are five steps to show you how to stop procrastinating .
If you are like me you have multiple goals that you would like to accomplish. Week
week inspiration comes in many different forms. It’s a wonderful thing but if you do not focus in on a specific goal this can take you down a long road of unfinished projects. That brings us to the first step of how to stop procrastinating.
1. Declutter your thoughts
writing them down
Sit down with a pen and paper and ask yourself: “What are my goals?”. Start
simply making a list of those things. This is the start of your Goal Guide. Within that list give yourself a few lines between each goal to describe what needs to be done in order to accomplish them. For example if your goal is to read more; in the description of that goal give yourself specific instructions. “I will read for 30 minutes every evening after work”. Now, you have a custom guide to follow. Make sure your plan is realistic for your schedule and adjust it as needed.
2. Address your distractions
This step is more of a mental piece. Lots of people have distractions that pull them away from reaching their full potential. By now you probably know what yours are. One of mine embarrassingly so is social media. It can be so addictive that you spend hours aimlessly scrolling and searching for… complete randomness. That’s ok if you don’t have anything to do but I for one have important business to handle! When I feel the need to I remove the apps from my phone and that helps me break the habit of opening my phone and clicking on them.
Once you identify your distractions come up with a plan to pull away from them. Also write this down so you can revisit it.
3. Create a timeline
Now that you have identified your goals you must figure out when you can complete them. I would not be surprised to hear that you planned to do something a year ago that you still have not done. I have done that myself. Within your goal guide be as descriptive as possible. For example, “I want to update my writing portfolio with new content
this date… Tuesdays and Thursdays I will give myself 2 hours to write. Each month I will have 6-8 articles written”. Apply this concept to any goal and be sure that the timeline is within your reach.
4. Maintain a weekly schedule
I find that it is extremely helpful to have days and time slots scheduled to work on goals. This helps keep your days productive and structured. If you work between 9 o’clock and 5 o’clock you may need to schedule your, e.g., fitness time between 6:15 and 7:15 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Some people have more or less time available but either way this will help keep your days predictable and keep you on track to accomplishing your goals.
5. Check-in with yourself
Now that you have devised a strategy to accomplish your goals there is just one more thing to do: check-in. Keep your goal guide handy. Set a reminder in your phone to revisit that list. I suggest checking in weekly or bi-weekly to see what type of progress you are making. Don’t be hard on yourself if you check-in and realize that you are unable to do something as frequently as you thought you could. That is completely ok. Make the adjustments that are necessary to allow yourself to inch closer to your goals. Before you know it these practices will become more like second nature .
Bonus: Believe in yourself!
The reality is that, yes some ideas are just ideas but if you wake up every morning with that same idea on your mind then it’s definitely worth giving it a fair shot. You do not have to sit on the side lines watching other people live out their dreams. As the quote goes, “A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed
action makes your dreams come true.” – Greg Reid. Commit to trying some or all of these steps and they will help you smash your goals and say goodbye to procrastination!

I NEED to do ALL of this! Thanks again for the advice!
Thank you for reading and giving me your feedback sis. I wrote these tips for myself and decided to share them with everyone.
You are wise beyond your years Dana! Great advice for anyone to follow! And u also have a great knack for interior design!
Thank you so much Mr. John. As always I can count on you for support.