I went on a Road Trip: Part III

We geared up for the drive from Memphis to New Orleans as the end of the road-trip quickly approached. The drive is about 6 hours in total. On the way there we made a quick stop in Jackson, Mississippi. There wasn’t much to see when we arrived. I was just happy to be visiting yet another state that I had never stepped foot in. While in Jackson we made a dash to the Civil Rights Museum to make a purchase at their gift shop. We actually did this in every city. Then we drove


the famous soul food restaurant Sweetie Pie’s but decided not to dine there since the original location is in St. Louis. We’ll have to try Sweetie Pie’s on another trip.

After stretching our legs in Jackson we got back on the road and headed to New Orleans. We arrived in the late afternoon so we settled into our hotel room in the French Quarter and had dinner at Oceana followed


a stroll down Bourbon Street. Although we are still in the midst of a global pandemic that didn’t seem to faze anyone on Bourbon Street. There were street performers, bridal parties and people young and old just enjoying themselves. The next day was packed with 2 tours and you guessed it; more Bourbon Street.

Touring New Orleans

The first tour we went on was a bus tour of the city. I highly urge anyone who visits New Orleans to take one of these tours. You learn a bit about all of their cultural influences and see a lot of the beautiful architecture along the way. One major part of the tour was seeing all of the landmarks they pointed out that were left behind


Hurricane Katrina, the storm that changed New Orleans forever. The second one we went was a swamp tour. This was my first swamp experience and it was absolutely beautiful. We went on a boat ride and road through the swampy waters learning about the nature and seeing plenty of gators while we were there. It looked like something out of a movie. Both experiences are must-sees!

As we reached the last night of our journey I went out and snapped some photos in the French Quarter and just strolled the streets – daiquiri in hand. I must say New Orleans was the perfect way to end our week long journey. Everyone’s energy was amazing there. After a year of surviving a pandemic everyone just seemed happy to be out in the world. If you’re thinking about taking a road trip one day, please do! It’s an unforgettable experience and you’ll be surprised with how much you learn and experience along the way. Be sure to go back and read parts one and two if you haven’t already!

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  1. This is pretty inspiring Dana. I actually want to try to do a road trip. I have to figure out where.