10 Healthy Snacks

Maintaining healthy eating habits can quite the challenge. I like to look at that challenge as an ongoing journey instead of a destination. When life presents changes we make adjustments in so many areas of our lives; diets included. In the evening after dinner I like to have a snack and that’s where the challenge presents itself to me. I’ve been an avid snacker for as long as I can remember. From Tastykakes to potato chips, I do not discriminate against snack categories. But it’s important to have control over our cravings instead of letting them control us. I put together this list of 10 healthy snacks that are better options when those cravings present themselves.

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I went on a Road Trip: Part III

We geared up for the drive from Memphis to New Orleans as the end of the road-trip quickly approached. The drive is about 6 hours in total. On the way there we made a quick stop in Jackson, Mississippi. There wasn’t much to see when we arrived. I was just happy to be visiting yet another state that I had never stepped foot in. While in Jackson we made a dash to the Civil Rights Museum to make a purchase at their gift shop. We actually did this in every city. Then we drove


the famous soul food restaurant Sweetie Pie’s but decided not to dine there since the original location is in St. Louis. We’ll have to try Sweetie Pie’s on another trip.

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I Went on a Road Trip: Part II

Brionna Taylor Mural

I went on a road trip through the south and this is part 2 of my experience. In part 1 I left off telling you all about my take on the Cincinnati area. Make sure you go back and read all about it if you haven’t already.

Louisville, Kentucky

Next up on the trip was Louisville Kentucky. We only spent about a half of a day there in total. We visited Angel’s Envy distillery in downtown Louisville. We opted to try their bourbon and whiskey tasting experience which was very fun and informative. The host seemed to know everything there is to know about bourbon from its history down to the science of making it. Fun fact: Kentucky is the only place in the world where bourbon can legally be made so it’s kind of a big deal. You can go on tours at distilleries like Maker’s Mark, Jim Beam, Bulleit and so many more while visiting the bluegrass state. Before leaving Louisville we stopped to see the beautiful mural dedicated to Brionna Taylor (she lived in Louisville), George Floyd and other victims of police killings.

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I went on a Road Trip: Part I


Earlier this month I went on an amazing road trip to the southern region of the good ol’ U.S. of A. My cousin Kym, a middle school teacher, came up with the idea to go on a week long road trip during her spring break. She invited my mother and I and I just couldn’t turn down the opportunity. I’ve always wanted to go on a real road trip. We started at home in Philadelphia and ended in New Orleans. We stopped at a total of 5 cities along the way and the Big Easy was the perfect way to end it with a bang. Here is part one of my trip.

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6 Tips for Beginner Plant Owners

New Plant Owner

Indoor plants are extremely popular and more people are discovering their green thumbs every day. Having plants in your home can be quite therapeutic. In my experience bringing a plant home and keeping it healthy and thriving gives me a sense or accomplishment. It sounds a little cheesy but something as small as watching your plant sprout new leaves can help enhance your mood. They also add to your home decor and can be quite stylish. To some keeping a plant may seem like a daunting responsibility so I thought I’d provide 6 tips for beginner plant owners.

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